Monday, November 5, 2012

Jason's Nazarite Vow

Today, I'm using my blog spot to post something for my hubby, Jay! It is about his nazarite vow. Here, you can read what the vow was about, what happened to him in the process and how his heart was affected by it. It's a long read, but I must say, a really good one. Posted at the bottom are some pictures of us shaving off his hair and a link to a message he shared on a sunday that is extremely powerful that encapsulates his heart, kind of like what you're about to read! I love this man and his heart after the Lord! Be blessed! 

Nazarite Vow

In early June 2011 I attended “The Call” in Wasilla Alaska.  The Call is a movement in America led by Lou Engle and his son Jesse that is rising up a generation of young people who are giving themselves to worship, fasting and prayer to Jesus to see revival come to America and abortion end in our nation.  At this event last summer I spontaneously received prayer from Lou in the worship time before the event actually started and a deposit was made into my spirit that I could not ignore.   The prayer left me marked by a man given to a lifestyle of prayer and fasting and his prayers over me compelled me to want to know Jesus even more.  Everything in me needed to respond to the prompting of the spirit to consecrate myself for a season in a demonstration of sacrifice and obedience.  Truth be told, I didn’t completely know what I was doing when I began.  I just knew that I needed to do this and that if I said yes to the Lord he would give direction and fill in the details.

The outline of the vow is found in the bible, book of Numbers, chapter 6.  Herein are the details of the vow, specifically no razor on the head, no alcohol, grapes, vinegar or any foods associated with the grapevine and no going near dead bodies.   The key point is that it’s the Lord who lights the fire for intimacy with Him but it’s up to us to keep the fire burning (Leviticus 6) and I set out on a pilgrimage to know Him in a more intimate way.   Anyone desiring to make the vow would set the time and determine how long the vow would last.  Most have varied from a few months to a few years and I was sensing that I would go for at least a year, maybe two.  I ended up going for a little over 16 months, more on that later. 

The vow itself is an act of consecration to the Lord; body soul, mind and spirit, and has with it a few outer manifestations that represent spiritual realities.  As I understand it, hair represents strength and by not cutting my hair I was declaring that my strength doesn’t come from by my own means “but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Deuteronomy 8:3).  I was also visibly marking myself as a set apart, consecrated one but not done out of spiritual pride; just an awareness that I am desiring to get closer to God and setting my face like flint for a season.  Grapes and alcohol represent joy, pleasure and intoxication and by abstaining from natural pleasures I was declaring that I desire my true joy come from the presence of God (Psalm 16).  Avoiding the dead and funerals was a way of stating that I was disassociating myself from anything in my life that would bring me death: relationships, habits, ambitions or anything else that would compete with the Lord for first place in my life.    

I began the vow knowing that these things really weren’t that hard for me to be devout in my devotion but the pressing in for the deeper things of the spirit became the challenge as to find out what the Lord was doing in my life through the vow.  Honestly, it was during the last month of the vow that the Lord clearly began to speak to me as to what He was after in my life.    Everything else up until then seemed to be just growing out my hair and not drinking alcohol as I was half hearted in my attempt to serve Him and fumbling my way through it most of the time, even with a profound encounter with the Lord from the beginning.   My wife would ask me occasionally why I was doing it and most times I couldn’t even give her a decent answer.  All that I knew was that I was supposed to do it.  But even in my weak and feeble efforts to be obedient to His prompting, the Lord broke through with revelation of who Jesus is and how much He loves people.  I’ll say it again: the Lord Jesus is crazy in love with people.   That might not be earth shattering to most but allow me to tell you about what He is doing to my heart and my perception of others. 

Twice in the book of Matthew, chapter 9 and 12, Jesus, in response to forgiving sin, performing miraculous healing and doing things that were unlawful in the Pharisee minds says “go learn what this means: I desire mercy not sacrifice” (Matthew 9:13).   In the past it’s a passage that I have read and glazed over with zero understanding.  I have come to understand that what Jesus is saying is this.  He isn’t saying that sacrifice isn’t important.   Mercy, love and a heart of compassion from His heart for people is what is most important.   Sacrifice in its right context is extremely valuable but in the end it’s really a vehicle to bring us closer into relationship with God by whatever means necessary, namely repentance.   

During some soaking time towards the end of my vow I was meditating on what Jesus said, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” and He began to reveal Him self to me.  I was lying on the floor, my head was on His chest over His heart and I could hear His heart of love for people.  The sound of His love was a sonic BOOM in His chest that ripped through the earth and mountains and was impossible to ignore.   His love is way beyond what we can comprehend or contain.  I was also remembering entries from a book I’m reading by Heidi Baker, “Compelled by love”.   It’s full of stories about their ministry to the poor in and destitute in Mozambique, Africa and how the Lord is using the poor to teach her about love using the “beatitudes” as a foundation for living an authentic Christian life.  The poor are dependant naturally and spiritually at a level that most of us (namely me) never experience in life here in the west.   But when the poor encounter the love of Jesus they are never the same!   I was recounting some of the stories of love breaking through and miracles happening and as I was receiving more of His love I began to pray this grand prayer – “Lord, give me your heart for the unlovely.   Teach me how to love like that and give me your heart for the unlovely”.   I thought that I was praying according to His will until the Holy Spirit corrected/rebuked me mid-encounter, gently but firmly with these words: “There’s no such thing as unlovely”. 

I began to weep at the revelation of how He sees us through the eyes of His fierce love.  He didn’t stop speaking.  As I was coming unglued at the condition of my own heart and trying to repent and form a response, the Holy Spirit continued on.   He told me “Present condition is not the qualifier.  In the kingdom, we aren’t allowed to see with earthly eyes”.  Then He told me to read Acts 10. 

This chapter is about Peter and an encounter he has with Lord when he falls into a trance while praying.    You can read the chapter but basically the Lord is changing paradigms in Peter in what he believes about the Holy Spirit as he is poured out on the Gentiles.    In his trance he is directed by the Lord to kill and eat animals that he considered to be unclean.  He in turn basically tells the Lord that he won’t and the Lord tells him, “Don’t call anything impure that God has made clean” (vs. 9).  The Lord was confronting the religious spirit in Peter and setting him up for a personal and larger breakthrough as the Holy Spirit was about to be poured out on hungry and thirsty people who just wanted to know Jesus.  The other interesting note in the story is about Cornelius.   Here is a guy in the Italian army who is operating outside of his comfort zones by giving generously to the poor and devoting himself and his family to prayer and acts of service to the needy.  His prayers and acts grab the attention of heaven and angelic activity is released in response.    The Lord uses this man and creates seismic shifts in Peter to bring the kingdom to those who are thirsting for the presence of the living God.  Here again is an example of the heart of love and compassion for people that our heavenly Father has for all mankind that desire His face.  “I desire mercy not sacrifice”. 

I had another encounter in which I was at Matthew the tax collector’s house (scene from Matthew 9:9-10) and I was sitting across the table from Jesus.  He was sitting with His right leg crossed over His left and was casually eating and enjoying the company around the table.  In the actual story His very presence with tax collectors and sinners confused and enraged the religious minds of the day.  They couldn’t understand why He would associate with them.  In my encounter He looked at me and said, “What do you want to know”, and kept eating as we engaged each other in dialogue.   Honestly, I can’t recall anything we were discussing but after a while He leaned over to me and said “The religious mind seeks only to bring understanding.   True love for Me seeks Me for understanding.   The religious mind isn’t really interested in Me”.   He sat back in His chair, kept eating and looking at me and appeared to be completely un-offended by the religious minds trying to discredit Him.   I began to ponder what He just said and I realized that this was His sonic boom of love for people.   He has a furious love for people that’s beyond our scope of reason, even for those who completely misunderstand Him. 

The impression that I got of Jesus is this – Him standing there talking to those who only see religious activity as most important and Him saying, “All the scriptures you read and study point to Me and I’m standing right in front of you and you’re missing Me because your heart isn’t open to Me.   But that’s ok because when you desire Me I’ll be right here waiting for you and I can’t wait until you do.” 

All of this to say that what the Lord is doing in me in this season is purifying and maturing His love in me for others and removing religious mindsets from my thinking.   I believe that this is a picture of what He wants to do in the church as well but this is hitting me on a level that I’m not seeing things the way I used to (which is a good thing!).  Through this season of taking my vow what He was really revealing to me was that the point of the sacrifice was to gain more revelation of His massive heart for me and for people and how much of my thinking needed to be cleansed so I can see, hear and respond more like Jesus did.  His huge heart of love and compassion for mankind compelled everything He did from creating us in the beginning, coming to earth to redeem us back to the Father, taking on our weak frames and His ultimate demonstration of love by going to the cross for us.  His love is so complete and pure that our hearts and minds need to be renewed in order for us to continuously grow in his radical love.   Then his life and love in us can flow in a clear channel through us to others.         

Here’s a harsh reality.  If all of our sacrifice and religious activity aren’t bringing us closer in love relationship with Jesus then its just form of godliness without power, an idol that we pass off to others as holiness but blinds us from the truth of where we really are spiritually.   I functioned this way for several months without even realizing all the while wondering why my heart was lukewarm and I wasn’t seeing any fruit from my life during the season of “consecration”.  But even in the midst of my half hearted attempt to serve Him in this way He still took that ember in my heart to show me how much He loves me and wants to reveal more of Himself to me and how much He truly loves people.        

My vow lasted almost a year and a half.   Truth is I should have ended it after one year.   It was becoming religious activity to which I wasn’t even connected.   A friend of mine had a dream that I was clean shaven at the 13 month point into the vow and my wife had a dream of me clean shaven about 2 months ago (prompted by the Holy Spirit and not her desire to see me less scraggly).   Another friend on mine recently had a prophetic word for me that was right on the mark and added that he saw the Lord “cleaning” me, my face and hair.   I said to the Lord, “are you trying to tell me to end my vow”?  Duh, Jason.   “Yes” was all I heard from him.   I am a creature of routine and loyal to a fault sometimes.   The vow had become an idol and I wasn’t even aware of it.   But even in my attempt to please him and be loyal to my commitment I allowed it to become the focus instead of Him.  But even then He still busted into my heart to reveal to me one of the mysteries of his kingdom: His ferocious love for people.  

I’ve told the Lord recently that my desire is to know what is important to His heart and in exchange He can do what He wants with my life.  By this I mean that I want to be so in love and in communication with Him that I know what He’s thinking, seeing and feeling all the time so that I can arrange my life accordingly with His heart and purpose for me and those around me.  I’ve asked Him. “How far can Your kingdom reach through my life?”  The truth is we can’t want the form (religion) separate from the Man (Jesus).   I remember a quote from Bill Johnson – “Jesus, if I’m not thinking like you come and mess with me until I am.”   My desire is to have this be the posture of my heart.   He is a jealous lover.  He has no rivals and His love is transforming my life, again. 

Jason Manalli

link to message, Mature Love - Jason Manalli 10/21/12

his ponytail! 

And here he is!! 

Burning the hair

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

.::tiny house::.

i have a new obsession... and i've gone through many of them... pinterest (still love it), facebook, instagram, thrifting, paleo... the list goes on and on. but the one as of late is by far my biggest obsession (for now)... tiny houses.

yes. tiny houses....

most tiny houses are generally 300-500 square feet. eeeyup. you read that right. hence the words "tiny house". the overall idea is that the carbon footprint of each person or family be reduced by living with what they only need. i can also think of many other ideas... ability to own your home outright, live outside more, save money to travel often and... they're so cute! most have loft bedrooms to make the most of the space.

i've been completely drawn in. completely! mostly by the idea to live off of only what is necessary and to find love in life by the things or people that are in our life already. it's the oldest idea ever, but i'm so fascinated by it. our society is extremely opposite. i hate being negative about things... especially on the internet. 1) because once it's out there, it's out there forever 2) people have used the net as an inappropriate platform. me included. and i try not to... i try. 3) sometimes being negative just sounds like fear. puh. but i really do feel as though society pushes for us to always have more. and i do not despise anyone that has the means to live in something grand. it's that we live beyond our means. it's that we lay so much importance on the things we have.

tiny houses is like this foreign and new idea. live life out of debt? enjoy what you have already instead of stewing about what you don't have? crazy. i didn't move into my house 2 years ago and i've found myself constantly thinking, "if we only had a garage..." "if we only had an extra room above the garage... a deck... then we can sell and get a bigger house..." God, forgive me. living in a 300-500 square foot house is not where the Lord has us right now. but just reading the concept of these houses and really the concept of how we look at the quality of life is astounding!!!

my favorite favorite favorite tiny house site. tiny house swoon is right.... enjoy:

and you're welcome. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

a time for singing...

the manalli house has been filling with music over the past months. and since then, i've written a song with some friends and rediscovered another one that i wrote over three years ago. thought i'd share the lyrics :)

mariya manalli, mark and jeni davis

vs 1
you are the story of stories
you are the light that shines
you are the open door
you always blow my mind
you are the greatest mystery 
yet make it easy to find
your heart

what a beautiful God

vs 2
the only king that's good
the only kind that's wise
no disappointment found
only love in your eyes
your will is not to shame
but for me to find
your heart 


la la la la la you make me happy!

mariya manalli

vs 1
i keep a picture of you
in the stillness of my heart
your life, my favorite song
i know the end before it starts
within your eyes 
comes every sunrise
to you, child
i say...

take a little time out of your day
take a little time, come away
and be with me

vs 2
all those things in your life
do they really matter now
my love is color in lifes grey
i am the quiet against the loud
and in my eyes
you're every sunrise
to you, child
i say


hope you enjoyed!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Dear Young Adult Burning Ones...

Dear Young Adult Burning Ones Family,

Greetings! We pray this letter finds you well and blessed! You are receiving this letter because, as many of you know, we have talked about an announcement on “change” and believe in many ways it has already taken care of itself. This past Thursday it was our desire to gather as many of you as we could into our home to share with you all face to face about what we feel is happening now and the direction that we are taking the young adult group. But as it turns out, we are writing a letter instead! It is our hope that if you have any questions, comments or concerns that you contact us through facebook, email, text, calling or talking. We want to make ourselves as accessible to all of you as possible!

Some of you have already approached us with questions asking when we were meeting. Mariya and I want to let you know that it was never our intention to mislead anyone or hide anything; we just wanted to wait for the right time and the right words to be able to express our heart. We have been and continue to be in prayer to the Lord about reshaping our lives in a way that would please Him and reflect the direction that He has for us. After much prayer, counsel from our pastors and discussion with close spiritual friends we have felt that God has impressed upon our hearts to lay down the Young Adult ministry. Leadership asked anyone over small groups to take the month of January to pray, fast and seek the Lord on whether He wanted any of us to pick up our small group again. To ease anyone’s heart or imagination, this decision is not being made because of any moral failure. It is simply an act of obedience and faith. Sometimes the Lord asks us to do things that we don’t understand. But in the end, we can look back and see purpose all over it! After wrestling with it for a season, we finally gave in after talking to our pastors and have since then felt such a mighty peace wash over us and a new sense of renewal for the season ahead.

This to us is a very good and exciting thing! Change is a chance to move, discover or rediscover! Most of this letter though, is to tell you how much this group has meant to us, how it has impacted our lives and where we believe God is taking the Manalli family to encourage you, to communicate with you and hopefully, put wind in your sails to see what new things God has in store for you!

When we were asked back in 2009 to take over the Young Adult ministry, our initial reaction was to say no, because neither one of us had ever thought of becoming small group leaders. But we said that we’d pray before answering and felt a nudge in our hearts to say yes. We both had no experience in leading a group, and, in the beginning, only gathered about 8 people at a time. Sometimes it would just be us and one other person. What really started to shift things was the time we took to pray an hour before each service. Jason, Mariya and one of our base team member at the time, Gretchen Pribbenow, could feel the presence of God and His intense desire for this group. I would say in those beginning days, is where He deposited a deep heart inside us for young people. In the following months we went from a small handful of people to about 20-30 people. Worship became insanely deep, ministry time and the prophetic moved heavily, miracles happened, spiritual hunger compelled us deeper, Jason shared on intimacy, revival and identity and we saw life after life transformed! We just sat back and thought, “God, we don’t know what we’re doing, but You obviously do!”  This group not only grew the people that attended, but it grew us as well. It grew our faith level, our expectancy, our intimacy and our relationships with others. We saw an acceleration happening in Young Adults and were so excited to be a part of what our Daddy was doing. 

Even up to this point, this has probably been the most impactful area of our life. We have had the privilege of being in a lot of life changing churches and moments and experiences, but being with all of you has meant the most to us by far. There was grace when we had no idea what we were doing, there was a faith charged atmosphere every Thursday and there were relationships established!

Around the time that Abraham was born, everything seemed to come at us so fast. All good things, but all of them at one time became a little overwhelming. We were still adjusting to our new business, became new homeowners, in charge of two departments at church, part of the leadership team and now new parents. We continued to trust the Lord to carry us through and to see us through all the details, but it was soon becoming clear that we needed to look hard at where we were giving all our time and attention. Mariya’s parents move to Kodiak, Ak forced us to delve deeper in the heart of God, as we knew that alone would bring a world of new things to adjust to. This is where we began to seriously look at our lives and ask the Lord to help us prioritize.

To this day we continue to do so and are on a road to learning how to be successful at marriage and family in all ways possible!

First thing you should know about us, and probably do, but our hearts have always bent towards worship and prayer. To be a part of a worship movement/culture is a huge yearning of our heart. Alaska has been an open door to that cry inside us and we love leading the worship ministry at KCC. Along with leading at KCC, we’ve received invitation to minister to various places across the state. We’ve also forged amazing and unforgettable connections with amazing leaders like Sean Feucht, the Pinkstons and Jake Hamilton. International House of Prayer has contacted us with wanting to see if there is a way to come to Alaska. A house of prayer has erected here on the Peninsula. We say all this not to boast and bring attention to ourselves, but to say that we believe God wants to move over the state of Alaska now! He is turning the desire of literally nations towards this glorious state with a heart to partner with what He wants to do here! The first response is to tap into the heart of worship in the people here! There is a resounding YES in us to be a part of that in any way possible. This is where we feel the Lord is calling us to pour our singular attention to for now. One of the most amazing things to me is that almost all the members of the worship team are young adults or young people. And the ones who respond to worship nights are young people! We are all doing this together, whether you’ve seen this or not! This is where we are going. We want to invest our lives into being extravagant worshipers. Whatever that looks like. 
We also want to pour a lot of our excellence into our business and 150% of our time and attention to our family. If you think of us, please pray that God would continue to pour on grace to head into this dream!

You are called to adventure in life with God! Let the Lord search your heart, get rid of anything that is contrary to what He has designed for your life and start running into the journey that God has laid out for you! Embrace change; turn your gaze even harder into the fiery love of Jesus and live to glorify the name of the Lord all the days of your life! Let’s do this together! There is an invitation into the new. If you’ve been asking Him for courage and confirmation… well… here’s your sign. J

We love you all and we carry you in our hearts forever!

Love always,
Jason and Mariya Manalli 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

how are you doing?

"how are you doing?"

this question used to make me so anxious last year. it would bring up so many emotions that i would try to stuff down and then answer with a tight smile, "good." 

i would be praying and hoping that you'd believe me so that i could be left alone. just being honest. 

if you're 2011 was anything like mine, then it was probably one of the hardest years of your life. it was a big year of change for me, from becoming a new parent, to moving into a new home and adjusting financially, to seeing good friends go, changes in church, changes in family and it goes on and on.

i felt like my love was tested over and over again. some nights i would grip my chest, curl up in bed and say over and over in my head, "God, you are good. i know you are good. your word says you are good. i believe you... you are good in everything. even if things are not going good, you are still good and you know best." i clung to verses like Ephesians 3 about being rooted and grounded in love. to know the love that surpasses our understanding. Or Jeremiah 17:7-8, "blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is in the Lord. for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spread its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and it will not be anxious in the year of drought, for will cease from yielding fruit", or verses on hope and faith. his everlasting love.

it was a year of repeating the words of God back to him in prayer and saying, "i can't feel you. but i know that you are true!"

pain is pain. and there is no way to invalidate anothers pain. but i was starting to realize that i can either become bitter or i can offer a weak "yes" to God in the midst of my pain. did i fight bitterness and offense? sure! but i wanted to come out of the wilderness leaning on my beloved. i wanted to sing of His love amidst the heartache (see the book of Hosea).

i believe shelley hundley has so much language for a journey through pain and understanding how the Lord's hand is in the midst of it. she says, "without pain, we would remain fascinated by one vanity after another. pain reveals to us the inadequacy of what we are beholding and unlocks our ache for a greater beauty to fulfill our need." -(a cry for justice by shelley hundley)

C.S Lewis also writes, "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains; it is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

so last year, i started to embark on a journey of delving deeper into the heart of God. i hid away for a time, not able to bring myself at times to see others. i had to keep my days simple and i surrounded myself with safe people who could speak into me. it was an amazing year of healing where i faced myself, my inadequacy and the saving power of an almighty God!

jason and i sought a lot of our spiritual parents and trusted voices. we received a lot of inner healing, which is something that i'm still working through with the holy spirit. we kept at it. day by day, step by step. it was hours of prayer, pouring ourselves over scripture, encouraging one another, repenting and rebuking fears...

we began to reprioritize our lives. we laid everything down and asked God to start us from scratch. He told us what to pick up again and what to not pick up and how to be a family. we are still learning so much and will continue to learn. God did an upheaval in our family, our marriage, ministry, business, finances, time, intimacy, EVERYTHING. and though it was hard at times, we kept coming back to the Lord with our little "yes".

then one day, i cannot even tell you when or how, but one day i just looked at jason and said, "whoa. i have my joy back." i hadn't realized that this whole time, there was this heaviness, like a black layer that pressed down upon my heart... and i suddenly realized that it had lifted. that it was gone. and it had been gone for awhile, but i just now noticed it. i felt like the eyes of my heart cleared. and i was able to see again. i looked back and i DID see and hear where God was shouting.

the other verse that i kept close to me was isaiah 42:12-13, "let them give glory to the Lord, and declare his praise in the coastlands. the Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies!"

now. i know for all you end time theologians, that this might be out of text for me to take it for myself instead of end times, bla bla bla. but there were times when i'd get a clear picture of jesus in my times of worship spinning and spinning, going faster and faster, laughing and conquering. i can't explain it, but that's what i saw. his laughter was far from the concerns i would feel.

so now. when someone says, "how are you doing?" i offer the testimony of my jesus and the working power of the cross. i may have gone into that season feeling that my life was great and nothing could go wrong. Bob Kauflin says in his book, Worship Matters that, "I'd felt hopeless, but not hopeless enough. i knew Jesus died on the cross to save sinners from God's wrath, enduring in our place the punishment we deserved. i understood that i couldn't save myself. i just didn't think of myself as a very great sinner. which meant i didn't need a very great savior." apart from the Lord, we are NOTHING. apart from Him, there is no good. i may have gone into that season a "great mariya" who lived a life that was happy and unto God, but i came out of it completely broken and leaning on Him, knowing that everything stems from beholding the beauty of who He is, not just as a "good God" but as a passionate God who deserves all worship and all glory and wants fiery hearts from his children.

this is long. and a lot of people probably won't read this whole thing. i mostly did it to have an account of some of the things i came out on the other side with. there's so much more. so much more. but this'll do for now.

and yes, as you may have noticed, i didn't write any specifics on the things that i had to walk through. it doesn't matter as much as the lesson...

but if you are facing pain or have gone through painful times, know that there is a God who will fight for you. his love is fierce. his dream for your life is fierce. all he needs is for you to turn to him and say yes. it may take time, but his word never returns back void. he keeps all his promises!! 

Saturday, January 7, 2012



k, let me just start off by saying that i love facebook. i love that it connects me to so many friends. i love seeing peoples pictures of their growing family, weddings, travels, etc. i love reading what's new in their lives. i love reading peoples funny updated status'. i love the way i can stay connected to so many of these precious people and can say, "cute haircut!" when they're in spain or, "i love you and miss you!!" when i haven't seen them in a long time. how amazing is that?! 

i personally (obviously) like to post pictures GALORE. why. because i like sharing. and right now, especially, i love posting pictures for abraham's grandma, grandpa and aunt who now reside in kodiak. 

facebook can be tricky though. and i've learned some things along the way... let me share them with you:

1) you can't really say what you want to say about pretty much anything especially politics or religion unless you're ready to be a) defriended by someone b) get a nasty comment in the feed c) get a slew of nasty comments. 

it's just the name of the game. and i've had to learn this the HARD way. that little box that says, "what's on your mind"? really means, "don't post what's on your mind. post about what's on your cereal box, er, something...". it's even hard to post a BIBLE VERSE nowadays without someone misinterpreting that as well and trying to tell you off about that, thinking you're making some sort of statement that threatens them! heeellllloooooooo, those aren't even my words! they're someone else's! (they're God's, is the answer, in case you didn't get that). 

the only reason i can see that people feel the need to always express their opposing opinion is because of something that they may have gone through in the past or something they're going through now. or maybe it's just one big misunderstanding altogether. i dunno.

so now i mostly post happy thoughts. which is fine, cuz it's uplifting anyways. you shouldn't have to know EVERYTHING on my mind. 

2) slimming down the friend's list, also known as "defriending". there is no good reason to just delete people UNLESS you're wanting to make a statement. "YOU PISSED ME OFF! I'M DELETING YOU!" *gasp* no, not that! please! anything but that! let me just say, in the heat of the moment, when you feel that THAT is the most revengeful thing you can do, it makes for a pretty awkward moment when you run into them in town. 


i've never personally done this. i've never deleted anyone out of spite. i've deleted because i was curious who you were and your profile was set to private when you friend requested and then "oops!" realized you were some sort of virus. delete. otherwise? i keep everyone. yes. all 715 friends and i are one big cozy facebook family. and yes, i do know all of them personally. now that i've done the whole "hhhmmmm, who are you. oh. a virus", i now only accept people i've met personally at least once. 

3) facebook has to be handled carefully. because if we're not careful, we will most likely fall into the trap of wanting instant approval... "you're so beautiful!" "you're so creative" [like button maniac]. k, i understand that in writing this it may look odd cuz, duh. i have a facebook. but hey, this is for me too. it's cool that everyone wants to be so encouraging. but you can't draw your self worth from what people comment. sometimes it can just be another way that we try to find value for ourselves. no one gives you worth. they can affirm it, but you have to dig deep inside and find it in yourself. 

4) you shouldn't try to set coffee dates with someone on facebook unless you're faithful to check back at that feed. i've missed many 'o potential coffee dates that way. in other words. just text me. 

5) you can't take things too personally. this kind of goes back to #1. if someone says something that i don't agree with, it's not my job to set them straight. i don't need to make endless paragraph comments. i HAVE learned this the hard way. yus. i'm opinionated. *raises hand* got me. but seriously, now i could give a flip. if that's what ya got's to say then hey. whatever. i'm having hot coco up in my status, so i'm having a good time. hope you're better on your next update *five minutes later* oh. looks like you are. you already updated. you adopted a kitten [like]. 

6) i've learned that if i facebook stalk, and, oh hey, you facebook stalk too, then chances are we have facebook stalked each other. yay! we're creepy together! 

7) just because someone's facebook looks peachy, doesn't mean they really are. learn to know people. 

k, well, i've had fun. i'm sure there's more. but whatever. here's a picture of my facebook! gnite. gonna go pin stuff now on pinterest...